Category: Uncategorized
Examples of Halloween Nonsense From Jack Chick
Was doing some research to prove a few of my points for my Halloween articles. Here’s one of the worst offenders for the demonization of all things entertaining and fun. Good old Jack Chick. I used to love this guy’s stuff, but it’s so full of misinformation, fabrication and outright lies you can’t really see…
Lineman Handsets as a Bug Out Bag Addition
The subject of bug out bags came up recently with an acquaintance of mine. I keep a few things in my car and generally try to be ready for emergencies. One item that I hadn’t thought of as an emergency tool is the old lineman’s or butt set that I keep in my car. It’s…
Suddenlink Outage Information And How To Get It
This article was written in 2012 and appears to be getting a lot of traffic lately. I’ve double checked the information below to make sure it is still correct. With the impending quarantines all over the US, I’m sure a lot of people are concerned about not having internet. -Aaron 03-21-2020 How to see…
Slow Internet Troubleshooting
I’m reposting this from my “Intermediate Internet Troubleshooting” article as I think the subject deserves a post of its own. You’ll need to know what speed internet you are paying for before this article will be of any use at all to you. Some Terminology Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) will sell service based on download…
How to Fix Most Internet Problems
This is the process you should follow to fix most internet connectivity problems you might face. I came up with this process while working at a local ISP as a tech support agent. It works very well for cable, DSL, and Wireless internet connections. Most tech support agents will tell you to do exactly this.…
Random Ramblings
I hope everyone had a good Christmas weekend. For me having Christmas on the weekends usually makes things easier around here. Those that work in normal non-mail sorting jobs have almost a week off and generally hang about here. That’s usually pretty nice. It was a lot more relaxed then it has been in the past.…
Regular Stuff…
Been kind of an interesting two weeks. I’ve been committing a lot of time towards my backup application. Fortunately it works very well but I decided that comma delimited files are too primitive for configuration settings and take too much code to work with or to add on to. So I’m converting to XML. I…
Someone Explain This To Me….
Can someone explain to me why Dish Network does all sorts of charity work for Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans and yet treats their loyal customers so poorly? I mean they’ll basically just give you free stuff if your house gets blown away by a tropical storm, but if you’ve been a good loyal customer for…
MSN – News – Now Romanians Say ‘Borat’ Misled Them
Link to MSN – News – Now Romanians Say ‘Borat’ Misled Them Can you believe this? The man should be beat.
Playstation 3
I’d like to say that I have the $500-$600 it takes to get a PS3 when they come out on the 17th, because I would just to be able to play White Knight Story. It looks awesome. Go to and check out the quicktime version of the trailer. It’s “Final Fantasyesque” looking I think.…